Monday, August 08, 2005

It’s All Up to What You Value

Quite a weekend in blog-o-land.

There were plenty of accusations, charges, assertions, demands, insinuations, hints, colluding, attacks, counter-attacks, strategizing, hypothesizing, loving, hating, screaming, and whispering in the virtual world of the dozen or so bloggers commenting on the South Dakota political scene. I won’t bother to try and summarize all of the action here (you can find a full account on any one of a number other sites.) Of course I will offer some observations.

  • As things started to return to normal today, it would appear that a few children’s need for attention has been met (According to Dreikurs it doesn’t matter if the child gets their needs met in a positive or negative manner, what matters to the child is that their needs be met.)
  • We now learn (S U R P R I S E) that there have been some who have been paid by our former Senator’s campaign to rant, stir things up, and kick up a bunch of dust about our current Senator. This doesn’t upset me largely because this group of “professionals” has been so ineffective. Zero, zlitch, nada. The current Senator’s standing with the public remains good and we haven’t seen mass defections from his party to the former Senator’s party. (As far as I concerned, keep paying them boys to be doing such fine work.)
  • This also begs the question: who is responsible for paying the boys to post their venomous attacks? It is not hard to imagine that first disciple Steve H. when pressed, will gladly fall on his sword and take total and complete responsibility. Yet what about the former Senator? After all, it is HIS campaign account that is writing the paychecks. What did he know and when did he know it? (Cue the former Senator to take a page from Raffy’s playbook: “I didn’t do this intentionally or knowingly.” Yeah, that ought to work. I would prefer believe that this went on without his knowledge, (I would also like to believe in Santa Claus.)
  • I am beginning to get more fed up with any blogger, commentator, or e-mailer who doesn’t have the decency to identify themselves. (I am this close to giving each of your posts to PP at SDWC so I can write to all of your parents and tell them how ashamed you are of your own first and last names. Step out from behind there and let us all get a good look at you.)
  • And finally, we are reminded about what is really important after reading TE’s posting today at SD Watch. Todd definitely got his priorities straight. I join everyone (even those who remain anonymous) in wishing Todd and his family the best as they take care of the family business. See you back at the virtual round table soon.


PP said...

How in the heck did I become the designated outer?

Besides, I have an innie, not an outie.

Anonymous said...


I find it interesting that you want to lay out a bunch of personal attacks at a group of bloggers in the same post you write about "what is important".

No one is out to get Senator Thune. His politics is something a lot of South Dakotans happen to disagree with. Why is everyone so surprised that a group of politically active Democrats are criticizing him? We're in the fricking minority party -- we need to push back.

Are we supposed to just roll over and play dead? Would that make you happy?

That isn't going to happen.


Progressive Republican said...


An innie, huh? I never would have guessed. And I will take your word for it and don't need to verify this for myself.