Sunday, July 31, 2005

Ohmigosh!!! A Picture of Ben Stein, Straight Talk and Me!?!

After reading through some terrific and very relevant observations on the political scene given by economist, Presidential speech writer and advisor, film star, and world renowned game show host posted by Straight Talk, scroll down even further and you will see a picture of me.

No, no, not Miss Piggy silly! I am talking about the one just above it with Mr. Straight Talk and Mr. Stein.

Mr. Stein asserts that that Republicans are inherently optimistic, inclusive, kind, and confident. A position I find hard to disagree with and a gentle reminder for those (from within and outside our party) who see the GOP as an exclusionary organization for only those who agree to a very narrow and limited set of beliefs.

Rock on with your bad self Mr. Stein!

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